Animals Inc.
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  dr:b/w image of old lion, with "Image taken
            1985 at Animals Inc. Zoo" superimposed in bottom right
    The great zoo was created in 1987, when a group of Dr. Williams former students decided to create a zoo in honor of their great algebra teacher (who loved animals). Ironically, while in they were students of his, they were assigned a project where they had to create a zoo and spend $999,000-$1,000,000 on animals. Being the smart kids that they are, they used their old research to create a new zoo, dedicated to the great teacher himself. The rest is history.

   To be honest, there's no information on the internet about this obscure zoo. The little information I received from the manager is as follows:

Zoo built in 1987
There were 5 animals at its introduction
A contract was signed with Al Donald Fast Food Franchises Company in order for food to be ordered at the zoo
3 more animals were introduced in 1993
A playground was built 1 year later
4 more animals were added in 1995
Shut down in 2000 due to lack of interest.

    I am only keeping this site up because it intrigues me that such a place ever existed. I remember visiting the zoo back in '97. The place was very quiet. Absolutely no visitors, except for myself. I was on my way to get info (see above) about the zoo for this website. There was trash everywhere. The place smelled like animal 5h1t. The animals looked miserable. The park was un-watered. The food was either undercooked or overcooked or microwaved. I saw only one person at the zoo, and it was a little kid. He seemed to be running the zoo, all by himself. The manager was no where to be seen. I couldn't talk to the boy; whenever I tried, he responded with the "Is that guy on c-a-k" look. After spending at least 1 hour there, I received a phone call on my mobile telephone from the manager himself. He told me to go to his house.
    When I arrived, I saw a very large and well maintained house. It looked better than the zoo itself. I found him at his own mini golf course, and invited me to talk. Whenever he asked about what I thought of his "great zoo for kids," I lied and told him that "It was GREAT."  He said he was pleased and gave me $1,000,000 to create this very website. I bet he spends less that that yearly on his zoo. For all I know, the kid probably also funds the zoo with the little money he gets from his manager.
    A couple days after this website went online, the zoo was filing bankruptcy. I heard the net cost of the zoo was "a bit over nine thousand dollars." That's no too much, considering it included 12 animals and everything else in the zoo currently.
    I don't hear anything about the zoo anymore. Apparently, it was sold to Google, where they sold all the animals to a (must I add, MUCH BETTER) zoo and demolished the place. Right now, there is a parking lot where it once stood.