
Hi! I'm Anas Saeed.

I am a student currently attending American High School. I spend a lot of my time enjoying various translated Japanese media, although this sometimes interferes with my school work. Sometimes, I wish that I had spent the time I used learning Java to learn Japanese instead so I don't have to wait months for an English translation to be released. Hopefully, one day I will be reborn into an alternative world... (okay I'm joking)
letter board that says #JAVA PYTHON C2P

Things I'm interested in:

Some more about me:

As I've stated earlier, I am currently attending American High School.
In school, I participate in the Project Lead The Way course, meaning I took Principles of Engineering and Digital Electronics as my electives. As an extracurricular, I was a former member of FTC group #16306. I'm the second person from the right.
picture from december 2019 of members of ftc group 16306

Contact Info